...of course, there are exceptions...
Well, where to begin. This law which, like I said, went into effect on January 1st of this year, should've actually gone into effect January 1st of LAST YEAR. The law was passed in Parliament in 2006 and was expected to go into effect on 01/01/2007. However, seeing that this country makes a point of keeping itself behind for inexplicable reasons, they decided to put it off for a year. Since that year, they made a couple of alterations:
1) Rather than put an outright ban effective for all establishments, they allowed that establishments can be considered smoking establishments, provided they have an exhaust system. What kind of exhaust system? Good question, because there's no provision in place as to the standards needed in an exhaust system. In fact, as I myself have seen already, an establishment can be deemed a smoking establishment if the kitchen exhaust is "strong enough". This stuff just doesn't write itself folks.
2) Any place deemed a "recreational area" are exempt of this law. What does this mean? Well, if you were to put a pool table, fusball table, slot machine, video game machine or any other type of game into your bar or restaurant, you are covered under this law. Way to go Lisbon. Way to go.
You know, it never ceases to amaze me. This country, which it's people are not exactly too dumb, and where the will to advance and develop is strong, has an uncanny penchant for WANTING to be behind the pack. It gives them something to talk about at their local bar or at work. I mean, what would they do if this country was better off? Work?
Por obséquio,
Faça um presépio,
Tenha um Natal,
De amor fraternal.
Mantenha os petizes,
Cobertos de amor,
Protegidos, felizes,
Sem eleição de cor.
Nesse seu presépio,
Deite o seu menino
No aurículo ou ventrículo
Do seu coração.
Um Natal a sério,
Também é um hino,
Ou um bom estímulo,
À fraternal comunhão.
Votos de que neste Natal o egocentrismo entre em crise e que haja uma pandemia de saúde.
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