This particular public work has officially driven me over the edge! Ok, so roughly 2 years ago, our "benevolent" Regional Government decided to repair and "requalify"(whatever the hell that means) our only highway, all 22Km of it, they also included in the project 3 new rotaries, 7 new offramps and onramps, a number of overpasses(2 made EXCLUSIVELY for comment needed), a protective barrier in the middle, radars, repavement, the whole 9 yards.
Well, for 2 years, we've been "treated" to a bevy of nice surprises such as chicanes switching sides, single-lane traffic, STOPLIGHTS!, and just about anything else capable of irritating even the most sane of individuals. FINALLY, the regional government announces that, on Friday, July 31, 2009, the highway would be "innaugurated". One of the more popular island papers, Diário Insular, made a point of making a full-page front page article announcing it. And so, after 2 years of arduous sacrifice, we Terceirans would be able to enjoy regular traffic on that particular road once again.
.....Well, not quite.....
You see, the 31st came and passed, and yet, even with EVERYTHING set up, traffic remains single-lane with half of the highway completely empty of traffic because they have it barricaded off. No reason given by the government, no justification as to why it wasn't re-opened, and to top it off, not even a peep from ANY newspaper regarding this particular Snafu.
So let me get this straight. Our government, paid for with our taxes, has been essentially insulting us and lying to us about this? Do these buffoons have a clue as to how essential it is to have that road re-opened IMMEDIATELY? Why haven't they said a single solitary word regarding the reasons of said delay? And why aren't the people irate at the politicians because of this?
EDIT: Here's a few news articled mentioning said "innauguration" on July 31st. Note that there is NOTHING mentioning the lack of said ceremony OR the fact that the highway is STILL restricted to 2 lanes.
Links are in Portuguese. You'll need to translate them to English if you can't understand them.
•RTP: Via Rápida Angra do Heroísmo/Praia da Vitória inaugurada em Julho
•Jornal Diário: Via rápida entre Angra e Praia concluída em Julho
•Diário Insular: Inauguração em Julho