Who was it and what did he/she/it do you ask?
I'll tell you my faithful readers. For the past few days there has been a rather strong storm hitting here in the Azores. Winds up to around 60mph, torrential rain and waves reaching as high as 30ft in some instances. In other words, for those who live here, a "typical winter storm" considering we get these quite a few times a year.
Now, what would you want to do in a storm like this? Stay at home and read a good book? Nah! Too boring. Stay at home and watch what's on the tube? Nah! That's some precious electricity that would be wasted. Ooooh! I know! I'll go to a bar right by the waterfront, get rip-roaring drunk and then walk towards the water and look at thoe big waves coming at me!
Now, why am I not doing that now?..................Hmmmmm...........lemme see.................oh yeah, I know why...
Unfortunately, this wasn't the case for 3 kids, ages around 16-17 years old. Yup, you read right, 16-17 YEARS OLD. These kids, at 2 in the morning, decided to head to a waterfront bar called Petiskaly, which is located right on the barrier of one of the beaches here called Silveira, got trashed beyond belief, and then ventured off towards the water, where the giant waves swept them to the water, and with one of them, tragically to his death. Oh yeah, did I mention that there was a storm going on?
This is the kind of stuff that really gets under my skin. First off, I don't care if it's Easter Vacation or not, at 16 years old, you shouldn't be out at 2 in the morning. Secondly, at 16 years old, I was able to use something called COMMON SENSE, and that little commodity would tell me that, in bad weather like that, the last place I should be is AT THE WATERFRONT! And finally, what parent, in their right mind, lets their 16 year old kid out, at that time of night, in the middle of a storm like such?!?!?
Do I feel bad about this tragic loss? Of course I do. Death is always tragic and should never be wished upon anybody, regardless of the circumstances. But do I see the kid as a poor victim of an unavoidable circumstance? HELL NO! He shouldn't have been there in the first place and there was ample chances to have avoided such a horrific tragedy. His parents could've forbade him from going out (I mean, for Pete's Sake, THERE WAS A STORM PASSING THROUGH THE ISLAND!), his other friends could've been more responsible and gone elsewhere, they, as a whole, could've just gone over to one of thier own houses and chilled, and also, THEY COULD'VE AVOIDED GETTING DRUNK BY NOT DRINKING!
Yet again, another accident that could've been avoided.